Sunday, January 31, 2010

Super at SIX!

All day on Saturday I thought about how, six years ago, I labored away under the guise that I'd actually deliver a baby on January 3oth. I couldn't have been more wrong. I didn't even start pushing until 5 am on the 31st, only to be ushered in for c-section number two at around 8:30 am. It was with utter relief that gave up hopes of VBAC success. I'm sure most moms don't feel this way in a c-section, but it was so nice to have something happening after all those hours of pushing that it seemed the baby was ready to come out in seconds. At 9:05 they announced, "I see wide shoulders!!" And then, "It's a girl!" I knew it all along.

The best part about Riley's delivery was naming her. Not even in our top three choices, she told me her name the very first second that I saw her. I instantly wondered what Mike would say since it wasn't on the short list. But she told Mike, too. We both said it at the same time. It was magic!

And magic is what it has always been with this strong-willed, sweet, old soul, athletic girl of ours. Riley doesn't demand much; she's officially low maintenance, unless you're expecting her to walk on her feet like the rest of us. From about eighteen months, she's been upside down in yoga positions. It changed to somersaults and then cartwheels and then walkovers and now handsprings. She watches TV while hanging upside down from our ottoman. If we're watching TV, it's through her round-offing legs. She never tires and never gives up on a new skill until she's got it. She has a physical determination beyond my imagination.

She couldn't be more easy going and seems to have this adult like understanding that if she accepts us saying "no" occasionally, we'll want to say "yes" more often. She understands other things too, like what kind of day it's been, why she should make healthy food choices, that this might not be the best time to ask for something, what might be the real reason someone feels bad. It's funny, but she really is an old soul. I love this about her because it's so unique, but also because her "roll with it" attitude makes being her mom a breeze!

She's so smart, but seems to have a special aptitude for math. She likes the challenge and is constantly trying to do Logan's homework. She's reading great and couldn't have more raves from her teachers. To quote a dear friend, "smart girls rock!" She loves her friends and classmates, strives so hard to impress her teachers, and even has a secret crush on a pal at school. His mom recently told me of a conversation they had about Riley.

She said to her son, "Riley's so nice and she's really pretty!"

Her son said, "Yeah, but she tackles me every single day!" (Guess she's got to learn to tame that athletic prowess!)

Lastly, this amazing girl of ours is sensitive, too. She'll never tell you, but she needs everyone a lot. She revels in the traditions of a kissing hand before she jumps the school bus or goes to bed. She can't sleep without certain stuffed animals and a good old tucking in. She is a wonderful big sister to Finn and adores Logan while maintaining her own identity. She keeps lots in, but I'm proud to say she lets me see that secret stuff - and I hope she never stops. She is really the coolest little chic I know and I can't imagine the world without her.

So as this cool chickadee turns six, I'm in shock, I'm in love, I'm full of pride. This little Riley is my girl, my daughter. Happy Birthday Riley!

Friday, January 22, 2010

formatting issues

Please excuse the formatting issues - I don't know what's up on here....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Celebrate EIGHT!

How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday that someone placed this sweet, five-pound baby in my arms. With a smooshed up face and an early arrival, she came, bringing a whole world of wondeful to what had been a difficult 36 weeks. She was promise that things would be more than okay. She delivered motherhood to me on a silver platter with coo's and grunts and cries in the middle of the night. She whispered all the secrets of parenthood to my ears in the twilight hours; uncovered instincts I never knew I had and instilled and a magnetic pull to her so strong that I knew made her my priority for the rest of my life. All these enormous feelings were revealed by the smallest of people, when our eyes first met.
Now she is eight years old! The "baby" in her look is all but gone, replaced by broader shoulders and a slight maturing of the shape of her face. She has her own interests and is her own self, no longer completely molded by her Dad and I, the activities we choose or the pals we place in her life. She is Logan Olivia Anderson, eight years old.

Logan is as smart as whip, devours books so quickly that I can't keep our already vast library stocked for her. She's considered Academically Talented at school, has perfect grades and loves to write. She thrives in art class and can sit for hours creating out of things one might toss in the trash. Logan loves music and has a beautiful singing voice which she proudly displays with a local choir group. She's is blessed with amazingly talented teachers that are training her both vocally and musically. She's a Brownie and she loves that, too.
She's a friend to all with a sweet disposition and empathy for those in need. She cries, at some point, in nearly every movie she watches and is incredibly sensitive and insightful. She is a caring and loving big sister to Riley and Finn and they adore her.

Plain and simple, this eight year old girl of ours is fabulous. What lucky parents we are!
Okay, enough of my love fest. Here are some pics from her celebrations...